Newly Released CIA Documents Show 9-11 Warnings Before Attack
Friday, July 06, 2012 8:02

Could 9/11 have been prevented? Up until now the common sentiment was that the 9/11 attacks came as a complete shock to the U.S., which had no idea that the devastation that happened on September 11, 2001 was going to occur. However, a trove of documents have been released concerning Osama bin Laden and terrorist attacks that paints an alarming picture that President Bush had actually been warned of an imminent attack, but had chosen to ignore the warnings. The CIA documents are newly declassified and have been released to the National Security Archive. The documents are available to read on DocumentCloud, a document uploading site that gives users access to extensive information about organizations, people and places. The highly damning documents provide readers with a clearer account of U.S. knowledge about the possibility of its country being attacked, which blatantly contradicts claims made by Bush officials, that the U.S. government was aggressively pursuing bin Laden and al-Qaida prior to 9/11 and that nobody could have predicted the 9/11 attacks. From June until August 2001 a series of documents made clear Read more...
Newly Released CIA Documents Show 9-11 Warnings Before Attack | Top Secret Writers

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Before It's News

Why would they have done anything to prevent it it produced the desired effect!!!!!! Got us into war