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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    November 11 March to Impeachment on Veterans Day

    Vets, Small Businessmen to March for Impeachment on Veterans Day

    While the media have lavished attention upon the Occupy Wall Street movement (although perhaps not on every aspect of that movement), they have turned a blind eye to a march two national patriotic organizations have scheduled for Veterans Day — 11/11/2011 — calling for the immediate resignation or impeachment of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and every official in the Obama administration.

    The march on Washington is being organized by Veteran Defenders and the Patriots Union, headed by Major General Paul Vallely.

    Its flyer states, “Veterans have called for the resignation or impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Biden, and every member of the Obama administration and they are headed to Washington, D.C. — November 11, 2011.â€

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    A Message from Col. Harry Riley:


    Our nations rudder is broken patriots…we’re sending Libyan rebels to Germany for treatment in US Military hospitals and you wonder who pays? Guess what….we do! At the same time Senator McCain is agreeing to rape military TRICARE health benefits to save funds. Just lost 12 or 13 warriors in Afghanistan today thanks to a anti-American commander-in-chief that undermines our military at every turn. This doesn’t even touch government selling guns to Mexican drug dealers; millions to a failed energy company; CZARS side-stepping Congress; on and on. What the hell are we doing? Obama is the enemy and people are snoozing, wondering if he will get reelected? We must stop this traitor, betrayer of the US Constitution. This is what 11-11-11 Declaration Rally/muster in D.C. is all about…bringing to a screaming crescendo the failures and outright criminal behavior of the Obama Administration and his supporting Congress critters.

    We all need to pitch in so it won’t be so hard on any of us…Obama and his cohorts are slowly, like a cancer, eating away at our strength…soon we will be weakened to point of no alternative. Be part of the fight, help with funding and lock arms and stand shoulder to shoulder together in D.C. on 11-11-11. Our freedom and liberty is at stake…you tell me what’s more important.

    Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
    Crestview, FL ... ll-you-be/


    “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.â€

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