NUGENT: Racism lives at Department of Injustice
Holder’s thumb on cop test-score scale will endanger lives
By Ted Nugent
The Washington Times

Flunking is the new norm at racist Eric H. Holder Jr.’s Department of Injustice. In yet another ugly, blatant and defining racist move, Mr. Holder is forcing the city ofDayton, Ohio, to lower the passing threshhold on the test for those wanting to be police officers because not enough black recruits passed the exam.

Instead of attracting the best and brightest to serve the public, racist Mr. Holder will now ensure that the good residents of Dayton will be protected by dunce cops who score the equivalent of a D or F on the entrance exam.

Entrance exam scores may also be lowered for firefighters so that more black applicants can be accepted.

What Mr. Holder clearly wants by forcing his racist substandards on the good citizens of Dayton is to ensure people he favors get a fair shake at becoming cops by lowering the standards to such a degree that there might as well not be any entrance exams.

Before long, the question “Can you tie your shoes?â€