By Larry Pratt
October 5, 2010

The November elections are roughly a month away, and they couldn’t come soon enough.

More Americans are seeing every day how out-of-control federal officials have become. As Angelo Codevilla aptly put it, they have become The Ruling Class, and a very corrupt one at that.

Patriotic Americans are hoping that the November 2 elections will bring this growing soft tyranny to a halt, but it remains to be seen if congressional Republicans will have the gumption to reverse what they themselves contributed to when they controlled the federal government. If the Senate in 2011 includes Senators Sharron Angle (NV), Marco Rubio (FL), Joe Miller (AK), Ken Buck (CO), Christine O’Donnell (DE), Mike Lee (UT), and a few others, then the GOP caucus may well be forced to cut programs and agencies rather than continuing to bloat them.

But the states, happily, have not been waiting for the federal cavalry to come over the hill. States have rediscovered their powers of nullification rooted in the Tenth Amendment. That wonderful amendment reads that, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.â€