RFFM.org To launch Effort To Inform Seniors, Retired And Disabled About Issues Involving This Group

Obama’s Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Other Programs Leave Seniors and Disabled On Outside

By Daniel T. Zanoza
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

NOTE: As a disabled individual myself, I fully understand that the Obama Administration now sees senior citizens and disabled individuals from the middle-class and poor alike as a politically expendable voting bloc. Some might claim my efforts may be self-serving, but it has become clear to me groups including AARP are no longer looking out for the best interests of seniors. The disabled are also suffering under Obama’s policies which impact all Americans. Subsequently, I will issue a quarterly newsletter to subscribers who want to learn more about what’s happening related to topics they care about.

If you are a senior, retired or a disabled individual, you probably have noticed the Obama administration has demonstrated little, if any, care for those who fall into this group. The President’s highly unpopular health care reform bill, which was rammed down the throat of the American people, included $500 billion in cuts to Medicare alone. Yes, I know the half trillion dollars which have been slashed from Medicare will supposedly be made up through the elimination of fraud and waste related to Medicare. However, it wasn’t necessary to pass a bill in order to eliminate fraud and waste.

I suppose the “hope and changeâ€