[Watch] Megyn Kelly – The Reason Dems Said No to VA Management Accountability Act

Posted on 22 May, 2014 by Rick Wells

Megyn Kelly weighs in on the aftermath of what she describes as a “baffling press conference” in which Obama claims he couldn’t act until after the completion of an investigation into the VA situation. She points out that everything he says he needs, he’s already had, for a long time. He’s ignored the information and the problem.
She points out the inconsistency in the claim by Obama that he needs an IG, Inspector General’s report to act, having already had three. An audit has also already taken place. There is nothing new in the information as to the existence of the scandalous conditions. What is lacking is accountability and follow-through.
She details specifics in the timeline and the failures of the VA, and the wealth of information that has already been provided and interviews Congressman Jeff Miller, who has been desperately trying to get action on this issue for a long time.

Her guest, Marc Thiessen, of the American Enterprise Institute, points out the protection that socialist Bernie Sanders provided to the House democrats as well as the $250,000 in contributions he has accepted from the civil service employee unions.
He describes a “culture of impunity,” created largely by the inability of management to manage their employees and a lack of consequences as being at the root of the systemic failures.
Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today’s problems. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.
