Personnel will be required to request in writing for permission to keep privately owned weapons off-base

Obama Begins Covert Attack on Second Amendment

Sunday, May 9, 2010
By Joel McDurmon, American Vision

Obama has apparently taken a step to disarm America, according to a document that has been leaked. The step is strategic and very cunning: begin with the military.

Access the document here.

The document reveals a proposal to force all military personnel to register all firearms—even privately owned firearms that are kept in their private residences. It would force a regular inventory of all such firearms concurrent with the regular inventories of military weapons.

Soldiers maintaining privately owned firearms in their private residences, off base, would be required to keep their weapons in locked containers or with trigger locks, unloaded, and have the ammunition secured separately from the weapon in a locked container.

The proposal calls for a complete prohibition of concealed carry of any weapon—even folding knives with blades 3 inches and larger—while on base. This prohibition will override state and county permits for concealed carry.

Personnel will be required to request in writing for permission to keep privately owned weapons off-base. Privately owned weapons and ammunition kept on-base must be kept in a monitored room and can be accessed only with approval of a commander.

While all this is bad enough in itself, the fear is that once enacted, such regulations could be used as a precedent for civilian infringements as well. "If this arms law is good enough for the military.…" Let’s stop them before they have the precedent. Please forward this to everyone you know, and anyone you believe may have influence: lawyers, NRA officials, GOA, press outlets, news organizations, representatives, etc., etc.

I believe the document is legitimate. While I cannot vouch for this 100%, I can say that it came from a source within the military.

Access the document here.

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