Obama must be reading from a separate sheet of music from the rest of America

Obama Believes He Has the Secret Blueprint to the Universe

By Kelly O'Connell
Sunday, February 14, 2010

There must be a simple explanation for President Obama’s stubborn refusal to admit mistakes or change his failed far-left policies. Perhaps Barack stumbled upon a secret blueprint to the cosmos which guides his every decision, fallen from the lap of the gods? This could explain making many disastrous choices, yet still carrying on happily in the midst of relentless failure.

Yet, with so many disastrous policies imploding all around, what other reason could there be for his upbeat and sanguine attitude? How else can one explain his utter mishaps, boondoggles and catastrophes against his fulsome self-satisfaction? Or, why the epic refusal to try new strategies when it’s clear his economic ideas are failing worse than cold-fusion?

So, Obama must be reading from a separate sheet of music from the rest of America. And this has undoubtedly immunized him from reacting badly to his unprecedented collapse in popularity. But could Obama be right, and everyone else wrong when it comes to economics? According to Wittgenstein’s “Private Languageâ€