Jul 28, 2009

Obama and the 'birthers' - a never-ending battle?
09:02 AM

Recommend The White House has begun pushing back against the "birthers" - to the degree it can.

But there's only so much they can do with folks who claim Obama is not a U.S. citizen - and not eligible to be president - because of the alleged lack of a birth certificate.

This despite overwhelming evidence that Obama was, in fact, born in Honolulu, Hawaii, after it became a state.

Hawaii state officials have consistently testified that Obama does indeed have a birth certificate, showing his birth in Honolulu on Aug, 4, 1961. Local newspapers at the time carried notices.

Those officials re-confirmed that fact this week, citing a rise in requests (owing mainly to conservative radio and other media).
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs fired back at his briefing Monday, though he knows the odds are against him.

Asked, "is there anything you can say that will make the birthers go away?," Gibbs said simply: "No," even though it is "made-up, fictional nonsense."

Gibbs noted that Obama's birth certificate was put on the Internet a year-and-a-half ago, so nothing he could say would "assuage those that don't believe he was born here."

"But I have news for them and for all of us," Gibbs said. "The President was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, the 50th state of the greatest country on the face of the earth."

Why does this keep coming up? Gibbs said, "because for $15, you can get an Internet address and say whatever you want."

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