Obama, Clinton, Piven, Ayers, Dohrn and Soros behind Middle East Meltdown
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By JB Williams, ©2011

Bill Ayers was a member of the Weather Underground, a 1960s radical group which bombed several public offices and accidentally killed one of its members while involved in bomb-making activities

(Feb. 7, 2011) — Aside from the systemic government waste of private resources the world over, why is the entire free world in economic collapse while the entire Middle East is in total meltdown, promising to place the most dangerous region of the globe under radical Islamic rule?

And with every western nation on economic suicide watch, is it a coincidence that the Middle East is imploding at just the moment in history when it could force every free nation to live under the boot of international Marxists?

Such massive seismic shifts in world power structure are never a coincidence. If you keep digging, sooner or later, you will find those responsible. In this case, it is Barack Obama – Bill and Hillary Clinton – their old friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and their friendly economic wrecking ball, George Soros.
The Beginning

President Bill Clinton welcomed PLO terrorist Yasser Arafat to the White House and began an assault on U.S. ally Israel as a known Palestinian terrorist leader partied with Bill and Hillary Clinton. The events that followed would include renewed terror strikes on Israeli soil and the Clinton form of democracy rising up in the Palestinian territories.

The Palestinian people democratically elected world-renowned terror organization Hamas to lead their new government and the peace process was forever ended.

The Bush era War on Terror put every terror organization on earth on the run, in response to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Terror organizations fled from country to country, jumping in and out of confrontations with U.S. led forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. This operation made it very difficult for terror organizations to settle in one spot and regain a foothold almost anywhere on earth.

But when Barack Obama took office in January 2009, calling a worldwide end to Bush’s “War on Terror,â€