Obama appears to now use the US Constitution only when it serves his, Marxists’, Maoists’--and now Islamist terrorists--purposes

Obama Continues Protection, Support of Islamists

By Sher Zieve
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

As the attacks and attempted attacks from Islamist terrorists increase on American soil, Obama and his Administration decrease their concern—to the point of actually appearing to both protect and support the perpetrators. Note: In my opinion, these actions and non-actions extend well beyond political correctness.

Obama has transferred—and has said he will continue to do so—known Islamist terrorists from Guantanamo back to Yemen; so that these may again attack the country Obama also hates—the USA. Dictator-in-Chief Obama—who now only works against the American people and the USA’s soon to be former allies—also worked with ObamaAppointee US Attorney General Holder to ensure that terrorists, enemy combatants (aka ’belligerents’) and fellow Muslims are not tried in Military courts but, are instead tried in American civilian courts and given full US Constitutional protections.

Note: However incorrectly he applies it, Obama appears to now use the US Constitution only when it serves his, Marxists’, Maoists’—and now Islamist terrorists—purposes.

When the son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, tried to bring down an airliner flying from Amsterdam to Detroit with a ’bomb sewn into his pants’, Obama said it was an “isolated incident.â€