Pictures of Kenyan father holding infant Obama: Where are they? Can someone tell me where I can find such pictures?

1. Puzzling to me: I can’t find pictures of Obama’s Kenyan father holding infant Obama either in the hospital or at home. We know Obama's father was a student in Hawaii when Obama was supposedly born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961.

2. Obama claims he was born in a hospital in Hawaii. (The internet says Obama was born in TWO different hospitals!)

3. But I can’t seem to find any pictures of infant Obama taken while he was in the hospital.

4. One of my points: If the Electoral College and/congress demand that Obama present his Hawaii birth hospital record, I wonder if Obama would be able to do that.

5. NOTE: In my experience, when a new baby is born in a hospital, relatives are eager to take pictures of the new baby with his father, his mother, and other relatives like his grandma and his grandpa, and even with a nurse and the doctor.

6. But for some unknown reason, we don’t have such pictures of Obama when he was an infant.

7. Again, I say that the lack of pictures of Obama’s birth in a hospital and as an infanat could mean that he was never born in a hospital in Hawaii as he claims.