July 25, 2012 by Tim Brown
Obama Spokeswoman Race Baits Romney Supporters

louise lucasPortsmouth Democrat State Senator Louise Lucas, a member of Barack Obama’s official “Truth (or more appropriately ‘Lies’) Team” in Virginia, appeared on the John Fredericks Morning Show. She accused Mitt Romney of engaging in racial tactics against Barack Obama and yet though she blathered about how she views things, she didn’t cite one instance or example of a racial tactic that has been employed.

While playing the race card is nothing new in the world of Democrat politics, to then go after the American people because they support a particular candidate and thus call them racists is what perks up one’s ears. There are plenty of issues to address Mitt Romney on and many conservatives have done that. In fact, those issues are why many conservatives don’t support him.

However, Sen. Lucas referred to those supporting Romney as the “fringe” and says they are not only in Virginia, but across the nation.

From the transcript of the portion where Senator Lucas completely loses it in regards to her tirade on how America is racist (Full transcript & interview available here):

Obama Spokeswoman: Conservatives Are Bigots & Racists : Freedom Outpost

SENATOR LUCAS: What I am saying to you is Mitt Romney, he’s speaking to a segment of the population, who does not like to see people other than a White man in a White House or any other elected position….

I don’t believe the President can lead this discussion because it would be perceived in a way that would not be beneficial to him because the Republicans will try to make habit but there needs to be some kind of forum to deal with these issues.

All the folks who are saying ‘We don’t like Barack Obama’ they can’t tell you any reason they don’t because President Obama did not create the situation they have, this economic mess we are in, everybody knows this stuff happened under George Bush and they are trying to dump it on the President.

And intelligent people understand that President Barack Obama did not create this mess. And the mess that was created could not be solved in 2 or 3 or 4 years. Intelligent people understand that. But Mitt Romney will go out and play to the fringe and try to play to the fringe by saying it’s all Barack Obama’s fault.

So let’s get this straight. As far as I know Mitt Romney has not eluded anything to Barack Obama’s ethnicity, nor has GOP candidate Ron Paul, though he has been accused of being racist as well. Both men have attacked Barack Obama on his record, the economy, his policies and more things that are actually substantive.

Ms. Lucas here does not offer one thing against Mitt Romney on a substantive issue. All she can do is spew her hatred. She claims that Barack Obama should not lead a national discussion on race. I agree, because he has shown himself to be the biggest racist ever to fill the office of President of the U.S. Just a few refreshers for people who may have forgotten:

Barack Obama promoted Professor Derrick Bell and his Critical Race Theory.

Remember the “Beer Summit?” That event took place because Barack Obama commented on an event he had no idea based on the fact that there was a black Harvard professor who was arrested by a white Massachusetts police officer for disorderly conduct and Obama came on national television and without knowing anything declared that the officer “acted stupidly.” There was no apology involved. The only person ‘acting stupidly’ was Barack Obama.

Even George Zimmerman’s father called out the President for his hatred in the Trayvon Martin case as Obama sought to politicize the issue for more gun control.

He plays to the black voters as though they are his friends, when he is merely using them. It seems all this administration can muster is to cry racism when people oppose his policies.

The real reason people oppose Barack Obama is due to rational thinking when looking at his policies. Obama’s reasoning and the results speak for themselves. They are failures. To demonstrate just how bad they are failures, I have previously made a comparison of similar events that Ronald Reagan had to deal with upon taking office after Jimmy Carter. Obama is just as bad as Carter if not worse, but the approaches to the problem had different solutions and very different results. Those results were realized positively under Reagan within his first term and well we see the results of Barack Obama’s policies now and we are getting a very bleak look at the future of America should he remain in office.

The only racists are those who constantly want to bring racism up as a baseless charge.

Read more: Obama Spokeswoman Race Baits Romney Supporters : Freedom Outpost