American Energy Initiative – 3 bills to reverse Obama’s destructive policies

Mar 30, 2011 by Kimberly Morin

In response to Obama’s blatant stoppage of energy production in parts of the country, the House Committee on Natural Resources has introduced 3 bills that will specifically reverse Obama’s destructive energy policies. These will get Americans back to work in industries that have been sitting idly by while Obama twiddles his thumbs trying to find some buddy with a ‘green’ program he can give millions to. The House Republicans have also created a new American Energy Initiative to get people on board with utilizing our massive energy resources in America as opposed to Obama’s favored Brazil.

From the House on Natural Resources Committee:

“Chairman Hastings Introduces Three Bills to Increase Offshore American Energy Production, Create American Jobs

“These bills will directly reverse Obama Administration actions that have locked-up America’s vast offshore oil and natural gas resourcesâ€