Dear Fellow Patriots,

It is of my notion and many others, including one Senator Rand Paul, that the Patriot Act should be ended. Today (Tues. 2-8-11) in the House, the Patriot Act renewal (HR. 514) attempt was closely defeated by several new (Tea Party) Republicans who stood up to do what is right! We likely have a battle on our hands here.
I urge all Tea Party Patriots and fellow American Citizens to consider this mark and offense against the 4th Amendment (to do WARRANTLESS wire taps, etc.) and other liberties that was never meant to be so. As it is time overdue that the government retract this offense against Americans liberties.
Following here is: 1) A call to action 2) AP article on HR 514 defeat 3) Earlier WSJ article calling out Tea Party

Dear fellow Patriot,

The Patriot Act is scheduled to sunset in a matter of weeks (Feb. 28th) but the statists in D.C. plan to reauthorize it as soon as tomorrow (Tues. 2-8-11) without any debate.
You see, they’re taking advantage of a parliamentary trick known as the Suspension Calendar which allows votes with no hearings and no debate but is only supposed to be used for “non-controversialâ€