Prepare For Obama's New Gun Control Plans

Obama's gearing up to ban shot gun importations, require new and complex reporting for firearm sales and issue an official EMBARGO on all large magazines. That's not all! He plans on CONTINUING to allow the ATF to ILLEGALLY smuggle firearms across the Border.

On March 30th, Jim and Sarah Brady visited Capitol Hill to meet with Obama and his press secretary Jay Carney. Jim and Sarah Brady head the Brady Campaign, the most radical anti-gun organization in the country.

The purpose of the couple's visit was to push for a ban on "large magazines." Obama told Sarah Brady:
"I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but UNDER THE RADAR!" -Barack Obama

There it is - Obama CONFESSED he's planning a sneak assault on your Second Amendment rights! How is he going to do it? The way he always passes legislation that no one supports - by regulatory fiat! Obama doesn't seem to give a hoot about what the American people stand for or believe in. Instead he weasels his way around Congress and passes his radical legislation by decree!

Obama and his gun-grabbing cronies have a plan. And they're hoping you won't stand up and fight back. We urgently need your help to wage war against the anti-gun zealots. You are among the special select group of Gun Owners and freedom advocates who have been chosen to take part in the official 2011 CENSUS OF AMERICAN GUN OWNERS.

Please select here for your 2011 GUN OWNERS CENSUS DOCUMENT which was prepared especially for you as a representative of law-abiding gun owners and freedom advocates living in your area.

Do you support the reauthorization and expansion of the so- called "Assault Weapons" ban?

Do you believe there should be a new federal gun registry in Washington, D.C. that tracks you and your firearms?

Should there be federal gun owner licensing that gives the government access to your personal medical records, forces you to be fingerprinted and mandates you to carry a photo ID card?

How do you feel about efforts to outlaw all private sales or transfers of firearms, even between family members, unless permission is granted by the federal government?

Where do you, as a gun owner and freedom loving American stand on the massive expansion of investigative and surveillance powers given to the federal government under the Patriot Act?

The direction and tone of the public debate on these and other critical issues addressed in the 2011 CENSUS OF AMERICAN GUN OWNERS will affect the Second Amendment rights of you and future generations of Americans for years to come.


...before the shrill, ugly attacks from anti-gun extremists like Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Senators Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, Frank Lautenberg, Dianne Feinstein, the Brady Gun Ban Center and countless others dominating the media and drown- out our side!

Your answers to the 2011 GUN OWNER CENSUS will allow the Citizens Committee to build our important STRATEGIC PLAN to counter the Obama and the anti-gunners' phony research, slanted poll numbers and blatant lies about gun owners and Second Amendment issues.
We don't have a moment to waste!

Obama's re-election is right around the corner and the anti-gun lobby is desperate to turn the future of your Second Amendment rights into the number one legislative issue.

That's why we must act NOW to expose Obama's back-door gun control plans and refute the anti-gun propaganda that his friends will use to drum up support for their side. People need to understand that the Second Amendment is a critical part of our nation's heritage and a cherished freedom we all must protect.

Remember the horrible consequences of gun owners' indifference during the years before Bill Clinton became president!

...The gun grabbers relentlessly promoted the Brady Bill and the "Assault Weapons" ban, repeating their lies so often that people began to think they were the truth.

Then when they got the opportunity, like they have now, they quickly moved to destroy our Second Amendment rights, claiming that the silence of many gun owners and freedom advocates signaled support of their schemes.

We can never take our firearms freedom for granted again!

There's an old saying that the devil's greatest trick was making people believe he doesn't exist.

Gun owner complacency is the Second Amendment's worst enemy.

That's why the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is working so hard to enlist folks like you to help us continue our direct and grass-roots lobbying effort, air radio and television ads and hold important conferences and meetings to train activist and gun rights leaders how to defend our Second Amendment.

The 2011 GUN OWNER CENSUS is your opportunity to set the record straight about who you are and where you stand. Please respond today. Thank you for your support of our cause.

For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely fought and died to protect our Bill of Rights. You and I owe it to them to see to it that Barack Obama does not, with the stroke of his pen, destroy their sacrifices and our Second Amendment for good.

Sincerely Yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Citizens Committee for the Right
to Keep and Bear Arms
Dept Code 4136-e-ccrkba
Liberty Park
12500 NE 10th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005

received by e-mail form CCRKBA on Fri, Sep 30, 2011 8:13 am