Occupy San Diego: What Is Our One Demand? Social and Economic Justice

by Source on October 6, 2011

Editor: Check this post out by Abel Thomas, one of the original organizers of this leader-less movement here in San Diego. Abel wrote this before the General Assembly meeting of Oct. 5th, during which the occupation site was temporarily changed to a different location. The site change came at the request of San Diego’s Jewish community which is holding its annual Yom Kippur celebrations at the Civic Center on Friday, the same day as the original occupation. Marchers from Occupy San Diego still plan on converging on the Civic Center Plaza at 4:30 pm Friday, Oct. 7th, but the actual occupation will be at a different site, to be determined.

By Abel Thomas / Occupy San Diego / October 5, 2011

Standing in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street NYC, hundreds of San Diego citizens will peacefully occupy [a site downtown, after rallying at] the Civic Center Plaza in downtown San Diego, adjacent to San Diego City Hall (1200 3rd Ave), starting on October 7, 2011. This nonviolent occupation is in protest of the global financial corruption currently invading politics, media and corporations, exemplified by the recent financial industry meltdown and subsequent recession.

The occupation will continue indefinitely until a list of demands in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street NYC are met by all levels of government, including the City and County of San Diego, the state of California, the Federal Government, and by private and public banks and corporations.

The long term and overnight occupation will include marches, sit-ins, educational programs, practice of the democratic process, and General Assembly meetings wherein solutions to overlapping issues are identified, to name a few. This diversified group makes decisions via consensus.

Participants are requested to meet at Children’s Park (1st St & Island Ave) by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, October 7. At 4:00 p.m., the group will march to Civic Center Plaza. Children’s Park is adjacent to the Convention Center Trolley Station and is two blocks south of Nordstrom Horton Plaza.

“The Occupy Wall Street movement is sweeping across the country. People from all walks of life, political persuasions and occupations are joining together to demand that our economic system become more just,â€