Class warfare is center stage in the whole debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts

The Pillars Of Manipulation

By Robert Rohlfing
Friday, December 10, 2010

Would those who wish to fundamentally change America ever admit that they are adhering to the Ten Pillars of Communism? Many will deny it of course, and many have duped over the course of time due to being manipulated for most of their life by those in the education system and media that have been willing players in the whole deception that has been allowed to be played out.

How could we ever come to believe that this deception has occurred? After all Communism was rejected for the most part across the world with the fall of the Soviet Union right? Wrong! The principles are still there and the name has been changed, Social Democracy has taken up the hammer and sickle in its place. All we have to do is look around and you can see this all over the world, when The Soviet Union crumbled in the early 1990’s Russia adopted Social Democracy as its form of government, China is now being called a Social Democracy and both countries are still being run by the old hard line Communist. When we look at other Social Democracy’s around the globe we see that underneath the facade that these countries are less inclined to personal freedoms and more inclined to the principles that the Ten Pillars of Communism promote.

Class warfare and class struggle has begun to once again take center stage. All across Europe we are seeing this play out from London to Athens. We are witnessing those who have been nudged all their lives into believing that they have been wronged and that they are somehow entitled to all that life has to afford just because they exist. We are witnessing this with the riots over the fact that the floor has finally fallen out underneath the whole utopian concept that these people have lived under for so long that all the free goodies does not come with a price tag. The bill has come due and the time has passed that those free perks do not come with consequences, so now we see the age old result of this discontent come to the surface and now the people have to demand it by force. This is embedded in the Ten Pillars and is now on full display.

Let’s look at the Ten pillars for a moment:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

How many of these principles do you recognize with what is currently taking place in Europe and how many do you recognize playing out here in the United States?

Class warfare is center stage in the whole debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts and was a key part of the Obama campaign of 2007-2008. Time and again he promised to raise taxes on the wealthy, and was manipulating the masses along the lines of class lines with the promises of redistribution. One of the key components in the debate taking place over the Extension of the current tax rate is the inheritance tax or death tax. Once again those who have succeeded in life and want to leave something for their decedents have to be punished by being double taxed. The dirty little secret is that in many of these cases it results in the opposite of what Obama’s image of being for the little guy because it places huge burdens on family members to pay these taxes. As a result by default in so many cases small business and farms are then forced to forfeit because of the hand of government came crashing down on them.

The recent passage of the Financial Reform and Tarp moved us one step closer to the fifth pillar, and come December 22nd we see the pendulum swing from freedom of communication and exchange of information to the sixth pillar with the FCC voting on restrictions of the internet and the desire to regulate what is approvable in other forms of media. We have lawmakers and pundits on the left calling for the abolition of these freedoms because they deem that they are offensive speech. Who is offended by this speech? Those who want to move us along the path away from a Republic to a Social Democracy that’s who! One needs to remember that the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and in particular disagreeable speech towards the established government. I know many will say that may be construed as calling for civil unrest but let’s look at it in reality and understand that it is the right to voice opinion against injustice when it is presented and not a call for violence. That is what is being called for by those on the left and far left as we see being played out in Europe and by those here in the states from the leadership in the trade unions and the accomplices that are no longer in the background such as Van Jones and even law makers calling for people to pick up pitch forks and come out in the streets.

When Tarp was first enacted it was to shore up the financial institutions from the potential of collapse and for the most part those loans have been paid back with interest. What is not being reported by the main line media is the fact that when Obama used the Tarp funds to bail out the car companies and placed State approved handlers and Union officials in charge of these companies that he moved us one step closer to the seventh pillar. Now comes the Food Safety Bill and we moved one more step closer to adhering to the Ten Pillars and in particular the eighth and ninth pillar. Climate Change and the whole Global Warming scam that has been nurtured for many years now adheres with many of these pillars by default and it is not hard to recognize which ones they do. For example control of â€