Mr. Robert Parrish President , Home Builders Association Of Florida e-mail address

RE: Unintended Consequences

You have what you want. More cheap illegal labor that you could possibly use. Congratulations.
You also have more housing inventory than you can sell.

Housing has slowed for a reason you may not have considered. People are not going to buy a home that is not safe from instant boarding house on either side.

When school ended this year, thousands of moving vans and u-haul trailers clogged I-95 North bound. Families are not going to live in a state where property taxes are exorbitant due to the cost of your cheap labor. Families will not live in a state where emergency health care is not readily available because the hospital emergency rooms are overrun with your cheap illegal labor. Families will not live in a state where the rule of law is not applied to your cheap illegal labor. Families will not live in a state made physically unsafe from gangs of illegal invaders. Families will not live in a state where the public school caters to your cheap illegal labor at the expense of their children. Families will not live in a state where English is a third language after Spanish and Creole.

You have destroyed your market. The word is out all around the world. Florida is a dangerous, trashy, lawless, and expensive third world area.

Shelva Preston