between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Big Labor's high command to attach Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining to "must pass" war funding legislation.

Fortunately, your swift actions stopped that scheme cold, and we have to be ready to do it again.

You see, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill is designed to force every firefighter and police officer in the country under union boss control.

Worse, it's just the first step toward forcing ALL state and local public employees under Big Labor's thumb.

And during these troubled economic times, passage of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill is the LAST thing we need.

All you need to do is take a look at California and Illinois to see what the rest of the nation has in store should S. 3194 pass.

California is facing a budget deficit of over $19 billion thanks to out-of-control government union bosses and their outrageous demands.

Illinois is facing a $13 billion shortfall -- half the state's budget.

Dropping down a level, the city of Vallejo, California, actually went bankrupt after nearly 75 percent of its budget was spent on satisfying the demands of the union agreement covering police and firefighters.

And the Mayor of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, recently stated that struggling cities are "handcuffed" by public sector monopoly bargaining.

The union-label Democrat leadership in Congress is DESPERATE to pay back their Big Labor allies.

More troubling, as Rush Limbaugh noted on his radio show in June, Harry Reid is actually joined by "at least six Republicans" who have supported versions of this dangerous bill in the past.
