Police Warn MEDIC About Neighborhood Response

POSTED: 11:11 pm EDT August 11, 2006

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Police warned paramedics Friday night to take officers with them when responding to emergencies in east Charlotte.

A recent spike in gang activity prompted police to recommend MEDIC have a police escort whenever they respond to suspicious calls at Idlewild Apartments on Cedars East Court. Police also identified at least one gang believed to be behind the community's increase in crime. Tranita Randolph, who lives with her two disabled children, said the police response is unacceptable. "From a medical standpoint, that would put us who have medical emergencies kind of on the back burner," Randolph said.

MEDIC officials said their response times won't be affected and said the procedure is aimed at balancing patient care with employee safety. Police said they've done this with other neighborhoods in the past, including Piedmont Courts and Wesley Heights.