Protect The First Amendment: Wish Someone A 'Merry Christmas'

by Michael Reagan

12/05/2008 Print This

Christmas is once again upon us, and we can expect to witness countless new displays of the rampant secularization of what is meant to be a joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Frankly I’m fed up with seeing federal, state and local governments, local and nationwide chain stores, and even the White House -- which last year couldn’t call their Christmas Party a Christmas party -- all of them giving in to the intimidation of a handful of secular progressives who loathe Christianity and any celebration associated with it.

Despite the fact that close to 90 percent of all Americans are Christians -- and that along with Easter, Christmas is one of the two most sacred days in the Christian calendar -- we have allowed a tiny minority among us to turn Christ’s birthday celebration into a secular holiday devoid of any religious significance whatsoever.Continued

Merely to greet another by saying “Merry Christmasâ€