Only celebrate 'American' holidays

Boy, is the Daily Southtown wrong on this one. To even suggest that any school should have off Cinco de Mayo before any American holiday is wrong.

These kids are not Mexicans anymore; they're Americans and need to celebrate American holidays. If they want to celebrate their homeland holiday so much, then they should be back in their homeland. We don't take off Boxing Day. We don't take off any holidays for Italy, for Ireland or Poland or any African holidays. We don't need to have any days off for any Mexican days either.

The only holidays we should be taking off are our national holidays and maybe for somebody who did something for this country, not a holiday so some foreigner can celebrate their homeland. If they love their homeland so much, then let them go back and stay there.
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September 21, 2007
Don't abet 'illegals'

What part of illegal does your newspaper and other media not understand?

You are aiding and abetting criminal activity with your articles.

People want our laws, rules, regulations and ordinances obeyed, not just by the American citizens but by all people in our country. The illegal immigrants broke our laws by entering our country illegally and broke more laws by getting false identification to get jobs here.

Many of them have several families living in single-family homes, causing overcrowding in the school and health care systems. Many of the illegals do not have driver's licenses or car insurance, which is required by law, but they drive anyway.

The illegals lie about their home address or say their children are homeless to get their children into better neighborhood schools.

The children of illegal immigrants should not be considered citizens of the United States because their parents are breaking our laws by being here, and many of the illegals came here to give birth to their children just so their legal children can get a good, free education, health care and other free benefits.

This is a slap in the face to all American citizens and legal immigrants. Years ago, to come to this country an immigrant had to have a sponsor, a job, a place to live and be in good health and had to register yearly with the government.

As for the cartoon showing U.S. Agriculture as a face and the nose being illegal immigrants with scissors about to cut the nose off in the Sept. 14 paper:

Our prisons and jails are crowded with people who can and should be working. Let the criminals pick the crops and earn their cable TV, medical insurance, three meals a day, library and workout rooms they have in jails and prisons. The graffiti offenders could use some time picking crops and seeing what it is like to work hard for what you have in life instead of costing the taxpayers millions of dollars to clean up their messes. Since gangbangers have nothing better to do than sell drugs and shoot people (many innocent by-standers), a little time in a chain gang picking crops might change their attitudes.

Come and live in communities where the illegals have taken control. Then tell American citizens how wonderful the illegals are and how they should be accepted.

Legal immigrants have fled the communities looking for a place where illegals and their activities aren't accepted.

Edithe Cavanaugh

Chicago ... um.article