The radical Left are knowingly leading us over the cliff

I Would Swap Obama for Bush in a Heartbeat

By Mindy Wood
Friday, September 25, 2009

I worried over the Patriot Act. I fumed at the attempt to legalize undocumented aliens. I was irate over the pork bill. I seethed when I realized there exists a revolving door between the White House and lobbyists. I cringed at the knowledge it would be near impossible to separate those who walk the halls of congress from the lobbyists who regularly line our elected representatives’ pockets.

I never thought we would be betrayed from within to those who wish our total economic and physical destruction.

Every day brings new perils to a once great nation of free men and women.

I know this is a dangerous and uncertain world re terror attacks on American soil, but it would never occur to me that Bush would facilitate the destruction of the CIA’s ability to do its part to protect the American homeland and her people from those who want to kill us.

I, like millions of others, still remember those who jumped out of the world trade center towers, the beheading of Nick Berg and Daniel Perl, the abductions and murder/butchering/slaughter of many others. Our enemies boldly and proudly filmed and posted these atrocities on the Internet on a regular basis for the whole world to witness. It is difficult for me to forget these things because, if we allow it, it can easily happen here on American soil. The radical left doesn’t care about this extreme danger as they are rooting for the enemy’s success. The picture is gradually coming into focus for more mainstream Democrats. To me, their awakening is painfully slow.

Our national security should always be the absolute first thing on our list of priorities because without physical safety for ourselves and our families, does anything else really matter? If a member of your own family was about to be beheaded, would your priorities change?

The main stream media did their part by sticking closely to their rulebook, “Rules for Radicalsâ€