Re-wiring the financial system

Catherine Austin Fitts
exposes the "tapeworm economy"

"Why not just expel the parasites?"

Catherine Austin Fitts was Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush.

She has an extremely sophisticated understanding of how the world's financial system works right down to the "inconvenient truth" that revenues from the illegal drug business are essential for propping up the big money market banks. (Not a theory. Proven over and over again in criminal court trials.)

Fitts' well thought out ideas about exactly what needs to be done to put the American economy powerfully back on course were not welcome in the crime-friendly Bush administration and she was driven from government.

In this fascinating interview, she talks about where things are ultimately headed, the the true nature of the threat we face, and what we can do to turn things around.

Absolutely must listening.

It's possible that the total financial train wreck
we're facing was just an "accident."

It's also it's possible, it was engineered for

I've been listening to Catherine Austin Fitts
for years and I have to confess for a long time
I thought she overstated things a bit.

I was wrong.

She was right. She also has solutions.

Absolutely must listening.

