Reporting From Copenhagen
Written by Bill Hahn
Monday, 14 December 2009 17:00

William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American and Alex Newman, contributor to The New American, are in Copenhagen this week attending the United Nations Climate Conference.

Both will be reporting on their findings via live webcasts, uploaded videos, and written articles. You will find their work published at and Check these sites daily for updates.

You can also catch William F. Jasper being interviewed on various radio shows this week, including:

Point of View: Tuesday, 12/15/09, 1:00-1:30 p.m. Central;
Al Roney (WGR): Wednesday, 12/16/09, 8:00 a.m. Central;
Alex Jones Show: Thursday, 12/17/09, 2:00 p.m. Central; and
Rollye James Show, Thursday, 12/17/09, 11:00 p.m. Central.

Bill Jasper is a tireless researcher and investigator with high-level official contacts around the world and has a well-earned reputation as one of America’s top investigative reporters. Before embarking on a career in journalism, he earned bachelor’s degrees in child psychology and education from the University of Idaho, after which he worked as a teacher in both public and private schools. Since then, as a member of the press corps, he has attended several international conferences hosted by the United Nations, and his ground-breaking reporting on the Oklahoma City bombing and its aftermath did much to underscore the threat of terrorism years before 9/11. He is also the author of the books Global Tyranny … Step by Step and The United Nations Exposed.

Alex Newman is an American freelance writer and the president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc., a small media consulting firm. He is currently living in Sweden and has spent most of his life in Latin America, Europe, and Africa. He has a degree in foreign languages and speaks Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, and a little Swedish and Afrikaans. In addition, he earned a degree in journalism from the University of Florida, with an emphasis on economics and international relations ... copenhagen