America must fight against the unholy Trinity that threatens to destroy us

The Revolution is on in 2010

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year everyone! This year brings us huge challenges but we are Americans and I’m not sorry for that, I’m humbled and proud. We can reinstate the real vision of who we are, call upon the real God for help and stand up for the confrontation and battles to come. We can survive and we will heal up. We are Americans not yesterday’s news. We are still the light of freedom on a hill. We need a new light bulb, Not a new light!

First weapon used against us in the unholy Trinity

Huge Government controls (communism) cloaked in the cover and contrived neediness of environmentalism/climate change and global warming: Prepare for the manipulated battles this coming year with Cap and Trade from this President and congress. Most of us have looked for some time at the real science and observed the lack of and destroyed data. Thousands of real scientists have stated on record, even signing petitions verifying the complete fraud of global warming and its related science. We know it is false and just a pathetic excuse to seize control of us. We must track these efforts and have a zero tolerance policy for these efforts.

The other Government control battle in our face the next few months is the communist and anti constitutional health care bill congress and this President are planning to cram down our parched throats.
Second weapon used against us: Radical Islam

Islam has always wanted control of the world. Financed and radical groups since the 1920s have taught, preached and pursued a worldwide Caliphate of control. Their taught and known methods of doing this include silent and violent jihad world wide. The fundamentalists study and know our sensitive, our legal loopholes and ways to intimidate and scare us. Only on Christmas we saw the latest horror show on flight 253 by a wanna be Islamic martyr from Nigeria. It was a miracle the plane didn’t blow up.

The organized Islamic terrorist groups are like body parts of the mother alien and yes I’m talking about the classic horror show! They pursue the same thing. Identify and exterminate infidels and infiltrate and control systems of leadership and Government structures. They continuously cry “victimâ€