The Rise of the New American Statesman (an essay)

by Tony Rollo
June 8, 2011 at 8:26am

In one of my essays from a few years ago, I made the point that revolution means to circle around back to the beginning. To revolve. Just as RPMs mean "revolutions per minute"

It is refreshing to see how our American system works to upright itself. Just as water seeks it's own level, Liberty seeks to continually call people to defend freedom from those who would set themselves up to rule over others rather than to serve others.

We again are watching deceit from some politicians who in their arrogance eat from the table of arrogance, wipe their mouths and say they have done no wrong.

They hurt and betray trust in those closest to them in the worst way. They embrace the most debase of human activity to the lowest denominator. They are sorry when caught and put on a show of sniffling sorrow. Sorry to be caught. But claim it is a separate matter from serving in the highest offices of our great nation.

Now comes the rise of the new American Statesmen.

Then we see those who stand to accept the challenge of the heart. Men and women of this great nation who have already served to defend this Constitutional Republic. They now stand to encourage us and chase out the darkness that has crept into our halls of government.

Video: GOP Rep. Allen West Speech to the 2011 "Faith and Freedom Coalition" ... r_embedded

Benjamin Franklin told us that we had achieved a Republic - " ...if you can keep it."

Thomas Jefferson told us that democracy is nothing more than mob rule and that there was never a democracy that ever existed that did not eventually commit suicide.

Why are there those who call our American system something it is not?

What is their motive to call our Republic a "democracy"?

The answer is simple. It is those who seek to rule and not serve.

Let us hear from Thomas Jefferson ~

“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.â€