Rise of The Praetorian Class: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Jan 18, 2012

In other news, Alex profiles Central Falls, Rhode Island, the tiny town that found its democracy had disappeared after it entered into receivership in 2010, following economic difficulties. "They're being governed without elected representation," state Sen. Elizabeth Crowley said of Central Falls' 19,000 residents.

• Meanwhile the Tulsa Grassroots Ron Paul Campaign Headquarters wrote an article today strategizing how to win the election for Ron Paul. In short, the effort focuses on entering pro-Liberty delegates, such as Infowars readers, at the local level to ensure Ron Paul has the delegates to actually vote for him at conventions, both state wide and at the national level.

• Political operatives trying to damage the Ron Paul campaign were caught in posted messages planning to dress up as members of the KKK in South Carolina while carrying Paul signs, calling for media attention to diminishes his chances in the primary vote.

• A closer look at Mitt Romney side-by-side with Barack Obama's record shows many striking similarities. Not only did both craft health care legislation, but both have campaigns funded-by and driven for the same Big Bank Wall Street interests that the nation has long been protesting. Further, Romney has revealed that he, too, would have signed the NDAA legislation that, among other outrages, attempts to "legalize" the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial.

• A Veteran's Today article takes a controversial look at the Osama bin Laden we thought we knew? Was he really one of America's greatest enemies and a provocateur of terrorism, or was he worthy of the highest honors under military rank-- as a lifelong ally in U.S. foreign policy. Should CIA asset Tim Osman (OBL's alter ego and codename, according to declassified documents) really be buried at Arlington instead of at sea, as the Obama Administration has asserted, though without providing any evidence.
