Obama offers no viable alternative.

April 14, 2011

Ryan's Budget or Bust

Frank Gutting

Everyone knew that releasing a plan to adjust, alter, or manipulate, social welfare programs was risking political suicide. Everyone understood then, and understands now, that the major programs are heading toward bankruptcy. However, in the last 30 years, Paul Ryan is the first to give an honest assessment and solution. The political attacks and outlandish claims of the left are appalling and untrue. The CBO, released a report http://cbo.gov/ftpdocs/121xx/doc12128/0 ... Letter.pdf that clearly defines the major problems this country faces.

In their assessment the CBO gives some astounding numbers: without any changes to current law, federal spending will equal over 28% of GDP and the debt held by the public will be 84%, by 2040. Contrast that with Paul Ryan’s budget, where CBO projects a budget surplus of .25% and the debt held by the public at 48% of GDP, by 2040. The stark contrast in numbers is achieved by limiting federal spending to 18% of GDP and adjusting benefits paid under Medicare. It is the latter that is causing the angst on the left.

Under the Ryan plan, it is true that the individual beneficiaries under Medicare would have to pay more out of pocket for healthcare, however, it is untrue that the President or Democrats in Congress can ensure that Medicare will be sustained without such “draconianâ€