The armed citizen or average gun owner has saved more lives and de-escalated more violence than any gun control ever has or ever will.

Safer Streets 2010: Why the second amendment in a 2010 liberty platform?

By John Longenecker
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The success of the plan to retake Congress, America’s states and our major cities will rest on two important things;

1. does the crop of candidates read the American people right? Do the candidates understand what we want in freedom, sovereignty and independence from our very own public servants, and;
2. are those candidates of the mettle to bring personal and professional integrity to office in order to succeed?

Will they last without some stupid scandal surfacing? Will they keep their word and be a no-compromise servant? Will they insist on eliminating the double-standard for the good of the country?

The Congress that takes America back from the left might very well be made up of Libertarians, Independents and Conservatives. Now, that could really work.

The biggest issue is that the series of impositions on the nation – the bailouts, the backroom deals, environmental laws, taxation, shortages, energy, fairness doctrine, health care reform and all the rest — are confiscating our money and coercing our dependency on the servants to the exclusion of all alternatives. Soon, choice will be a crime. Independence will be history, as we are being looted and blocked in the process.

The only way candidates will really unseat the current crop of Congress Critters is to understand what is irking the electorate and to boldly state the only solution: “Elect me, and we will undo everything the left has done.â€