School Board Accepts, Then Rejects, Reading List That Includes Books On Drug Use, Gay Sex

August 25, 2011 by Sam Rolley

Required reading at one New Jersey school included a novel about the daily life of a drug addict.

Early this year, discussions about editing Mark Twain classics to remove uncomfortable language in the literary staples made headlines across the country when editions of Twain’s period novels with some of the author’s racial language removed were released. The idea behind doing so was to create a more classroom-friendly version of the work for student-required reading. This begs the question from some: Who will edit the books listed on New Jersey’s Monroe Township school district’s required reading list?

Fox News reported on Tuesday that the school district had on its required reading list novels depicting graphic sexual scenes including homosexual orgies, one novel, entitled TWEAK (Growing up on Methamphetamines), was completely based on the everyday life of a drug addict. ... =latestnew

“Some of the language is inappropriate,â€