FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Jan. 30-31, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. Results below are among Democratic voters (MoE ± 5).

"If the 2008 Democratic presidential primary were held today, for whom would you vote if the candidates were [see below]?" Names rotated


Hillary Clinton 43
Barack Obama 15
John Edwards 12
Al Gore 11
Joseph Biden 4
Bill Richardson 2
Tom Vilsack -
Dennis Kucinich -
Chris Dodd -
Other (vol.) 2
Unsure 9
Wouldn't vote (vol.) 1


I bet it's going to be a Obama / Hillary ticket to the White House.
And I'm a party loyalist, I'll vote Al gore in the primaries, but will always vote for the Democrat in the presidential election against the Republican. Sorry my friends, Iraq war is too important to me.