Dear Senator Nelson,

RE: Senate Hearing on Speculation in Oil Markets

I was astounded that you saw the energy crisis as a win/lose /us/them political game. It was obvious by your questions that you did not have a clue as to the root of the predicament or the parameters of the discussion.

The US Senate created this current crisis. Phil Graham attached an amendment to an unrelated bill. Speculators wrote this amendment. Senators voted without reading and voila! Government Regulations were magically erased. This speculation could end today if the Senate would reinstate the regulations. However, this would require that Democrats and Republicans progress from four-year-old behavior to responsible adult behavior. I am annoyed with your blame games.

Not one Senator at the hearing accepted responsibility for this despicable incompetence. Not one Senator apologized for neglecting to read the legislation. Senator Dorgan appeared to be the lone Senator who could understand the presentations and opinions of the experts.

I expect you to represent Florida based on knowledge of issues.
