Even before I entered the service 50 years ago, I’ve railed against the left, often feeling as if I was alone on a deserted island. Fortunately talk radio and Fox TV came along to enlighten many. Often during the years, I’ve felt as if the ‘other side’ was on the verge of winning.

However, never have I seen the press lose ALL objectivity. Never have I seen such arrogance from our politicians that they so openly disregard us. If ‘GoodOleDays’ is correct that Diane Feinstein received 95,000 phones calls, and she ignored the 85,000 of them that urged her to vote, I can only believe that happened throughout the offices of all our Senators and Congresspersons.

If this isn’t scary to people, I don’t know what it will take. This is as if Tass has changed its name to The Associated Press, and Izvetia has branched out to the N Y Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN. And now they are waiting for the naming of Barack Obama to become Chairman and Party Leader.

I’m so ashamed of my generation that allowed this all to happen. I beg my grandchildren’s forgiveness.