Signs waved, barbs traded

Deborah Pauly holds up a sign in opposition of President Obama outside the OC fairgrounds where the president spoke Wednesday afternoon.

Fans and opponents of the president clash at town-hall event, employing snark and alluding to cocaine.

By Brianna Bailey
Updated: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:20 PM PDT
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Passersby brandished thumbs up or down, as well as a few other fingers as Brea activist Robert Lauten stood on a street corner near the OC Fair & Event center, where President Barack Obama attended a town hall meeting Wednesday afternoon.

Waving a large, yellow sign promoting immigration reform, Lauten was one of hundreds who came out to cheer or jeer the president during his visit to Costa Mesa.

“I don’t think Obama is any better than George Bush. I haven’t seen any difference yet,â€