USA in decline while the war machine rages on

The Republican candidates vying for the GOP's nomination in the race for the White House are telling America that the country needs to go to war with seemingly every nation on the globe. Is there any reason for these overzealous actions overseas though? Charlie McGrath from Wide Awake News talks about the patriotic pandering that is putting politics in the backseat to propaganda this election season.

Our nation is an empire in decline and there is a reason most of us
have no idea what is going on.

The lame stream media has us all focusing the latest trends and
people fighting over shoes, while our rights are usurped and our
government involves us in ever more conflicts overseas.

We are spread way too thin and we are losing the freedoms we were
supposedly fighting for.

People are going to start waking up, but NOT because CNN, FOX, or
MSNBC decided to actually start informing people.

They going to wake up because they've been hit with a sledgehammer
of reality...
