Someone is Lying About the Pope’s Meeting with Kim Davis

by Austin Ruse2 Oct 2015

Papal spokesman Father Thomas Rosica flatly denies Kim Davis met privately with Pope Francis when he visited Washington, D.C. which stands in flat contradiction to Davis’s claims.

In Roscia’s telling Davis was part of a large number of people as part of “the farewell greeting as the Pope was leaving the Nunciature in Washington” prior to his departure for New York City.

Rosica said the Vatican ambassador to the United States, “…invited a number of guests, his own choice, to greet the Pope, very brief greetings, and in the Pope’s characteristic kindness and hospitality he shook people’s hands and gave them Rosaries. In terms of why this person was invited, you’d have to ask the Nuncio.”

This stands diametrically opposed to the claims of Kim Davis that she met privately with the Pope and that no one else, besides a handful of Vatican personnel, was present. As proof of her version of events, Davis’s lawyer Mathew Staver points to the fact that the Vatican sent a security detail to pick her up at her hotel and deliver her to the Vatican Embassy.

Anyone remotely familiar with what Rosica describes as no more than a Papal meet and greet knows the Vatican does not send a car and driver, let alone a security detail.

Staver was with Davis when Vatican security picked them up. He said the detail were not Americans, that “they spoke Italian and when they spoke English it was heavily accented.”

Staver also told Breitbart News that he did not see a large group of people at the Nunciature that day, though the building is large and the larger group could have been somewhere else.

With such a stark contrast between Father Rosica’s telling and Kim Davis’s, it is clear someone is lying about her meeting with the Pope.

Follow Austin Ruse on Twitter @austinruse