Deceptions of the diet food industry

Many people believe, and a lot of money is spent to make us believe, that Splenda is a healthier artificial sweetener than Aspartame.

Sucralose, the primary ingredient that gives Splenda its sweetness, was discovered during research into creating new insecticides.

That's right, insecticides. Sucralose has more in common with DDT than it does with food: something the food industry would rather you didn't know.

First we saw the toxic effects of our
overindulgence in sugar.

Then we learned about the dangers
of Aspartame.

In this final video of our 3-part series,
we see the deceptions practiced to get
us to feed ourselves and our families
a substance that is unproven at best
and knowingly poisonous at worst.


Sugar and sweeteners Splenda

- Traci Styner
The Real Food Channel

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