Stand up for Farmer and Citizen Rights - Tell Obama to Ban Monsanto's GMO Alfalfa!

Last week President Obama and Secretary Vilsack approved Monsanto's GMO alfalfa despite overwhelming public protest. This move fundamentally undermines the organic industry, especially organic meat and dairy. In approving GMO alfalfa the Obama administration has caved to Monsanto and made it harder for family farmers to make a living and for consumers wanting to eat safe, healthy foods.

This decision is a devastating blow to our democracy and the basic rights of farmers to choose how they want to grow food on their land and protect the rights of consumers who are increasingly buying organic and sustainably grown food for its positive health and environmental impacts. Please join us in telling President Obama that you're deeply disappointed in his decision and want a ban on GMO alfalfa.

Please sign: A Declaration of Farmer and Citizen Rights Regarding the Deregulation of Genetically Modified Alfalfa

go to link below:

