The Three most IMMINENT Economic Disasters. How to survive …

Economics / US Economy
Mar 10, 2010 - 08:20 AM
By: Sean_Brodrick

Of all the major disasters and threats to your security ahead — and all the major profit opportunities — three stand out as the most imminent of all:

Disaster #1: America’s Empire of Debt. If you think Americans are living a normal life, think again. Our entire consumer economy, lifestyle, livelihood — and nearly all or wealth — is predicated on one thing: DEBT.

The outstanding public debt is $12.3 TRILLION. The U.S. has a little over 307 million people. So that means every single man, woman and child in this country is responsible for $40,000 in government debt — over and above any money they have borrowed personally.

The government is now struggling to get the deficit back DOWN to $1 TRILLION dollars … and there’s little hope they’ll even accomplish that much.

Meanwhile, the public debt is increasing at a rate of $3.5 billion per day. And that’s just the public debt. Consumer and corporate debt add trillions more!

The Good-Time Charlies in Washington would have you think this party can continue forever. But now the bill is coming due, and the longer we put it off, the worse it gets.

How will it end? Only two scenarios are possible:

Washington will slash spending to the bone (and raise taxes till), sinking our economy into a depression. Or …

Washington will DESTROY the value of our money.
Except for a handful of Pollyannas with their heads in the sand, few experts think there’s any other alternative. For citizens and investors who are unprepared, it will be an unmitigated disaster lasting for many years. For those who ARE prepared, it could be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Disaster #2: Peak Oil Is Rushing Toward Us Like a Runaway Train. The only reason oil prices aren’t higher right now is because of weakness in the U.S. and European economies.

Meanwhile, however, the two most populous countries in the world — China and India — are adding to their fuel demand at a rip-roaring pace.

In response, oil companies are now putting drills down 4,000 feet in the Gulf of Mexico to then drill through 35,000 feet of rock. These wells are deeper than Mount Everest is tall! They aren’t doing this because it’s fun. They’re doing it because it’s the only oil they can find! And one thing you can count on — it won’t be cheap oil!

How will it end? Potentially in an oil crisis that sends the U.S. deeper into an economic tailspin — dramatically changing the way we live, while creating enormous opportunities for those who invest in the right solutions.

Disaster #3: Water Is the Quiet Emergency That Could Shape the 21st Century. For most Americans, water is less expensive each month than cable television or having a cell phone. So they barely think about it.

Not so for most of the rest of the world! The World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages that threaten health and economies while 40% of the world — more than 2 billion people — have NO access to clean water or sanitation.

Heck, even in the U.S., most local water systems are old and in desperate need of upgrades, with legal battles heating up over water rights across the country.

The key: Sure, you can substitute various alternate fuels for fossil fuels like crude oil. BUT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR WATER! This is a crisis that is spinning out of control around the world.

How will it end? Most people would not be able to handle a water emergency. If droughts worsen, we could see people forcibly relocated from cities and areas that just can’t support their populations. Meanwhile, companies that can provide real solutions will soar in value.

What To Do Now

In my book, The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide, I give you a practical, reasonable, step-by-step guide on precisely how to prepare — when, where and how.

One Amazon reviewer writes: “I normally shy away from anything with’survivalist’ in the title, but after skimming the introduction of Brodrick’s Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide I was hooked. The author offers tons of practical advice in an easy-to-follow format and avoids the Chicken Little approach … the sky may well be falling sometime soon, but anyone who reads Brodrick’s book will be prepared.â€