Ron Paul supporters: Have you registered as Republicans?

I see a lot of Ron Paul supporters out there, but I wonder how many of them have registered as Republicans so they can vote for him in the primary?

How many of them know if they need to register as a Republican? Before Ron Paul can run for President, he needs to win the nomination of the Republican party, something a lot of people are forgetting.

Now I’ve made it simple and have created a table listing each state, whether their primary is open or closed, and when it will be held. So grab a stamp and envelope, print out your state’s voter registration form, and mail that puppy in. Take a bunch of stamps, envelopes, and voter registration forms to your next MeetUp. Tell everyone you know that they need to register to vote and register as a Republican so they can support Ron Paul in their primary.

I almost missed my state's deadline this week to get my voter form in! In NY, we have closed primaries which means you can only vote for a candidate in a particular party if you are a member of that party. I've been an Independent for many years but I changed my affiliation to the Republican Party so I can vote for Ron Paul.

Each state is different so please use the Primarily Paul website to find out the requirements, and deadlines, then download, print and mail in your forms if you are required to. Many of us are first time voters, or are not as knowledgeable about the election process. You can either register to vote with these forms (if you're not registered), or just to change your party status.

If you sincerely believe that Ron Paul is the best man for the job, or you are at least leaning that way, then you MUST register and change your party to Republican (you can always change back after the Presidential elections if you want to)

All of this online and offline support that Dr. Paul has received will be MEANINGLESS if people don't do this!! So make sure you take care of this immediately.

Time moves quickly so do this NOW before you get distracted and miss the opportunity. And considering where our country is headed, this opportunity might be our last attempt at voting in a candidate who wants to restore the constitution and save us from this New World Order Nightmare.