October 12, 2009

Take Action tonight to stop the Health Control Scheme in Committee!

Dear Friend of Liberty:

Current reports indicate Senator Max Baucus’ Senate Finance Committee is preparing to vote on their version of President Obama’s health control scheme tomorrow.

One component of Baucus’ plan is the mandate that will force most Americans to either have government-approved coverage or to pay a tax penalty enforced by the IRS.

If we take action now, we may be able to stop the Baucus bill from ever reaching the Senate floor. This is a key vote for the administration and a perfect time for us to turn up the heat on Congress.

Click here for a list of Senate Finance Committee members with their contact information linked to their names. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/campa ... mittee.php

The Committee’s main office number is (202) 224-4515.

Tell them to stand up for the American people by opposing this latest power grab. We agree that the status quo has to change, but government intervention in the health care market created this problem. More intervention is guaranteed to only make it much worse.

This fight will be harder to win once the bill reaches the Senate floor. Take action today and help stop Obama’s big government health control scheme while it’s still in Committee!

In Liberty,

John F. Tate

received by e-mail
Campaign for Liberty john.f.tate@campaignforliberty.com
Mon, Oct 12, 2009 5:50 pm