We Can Stop the Nonsense

The nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court was an historic and proud moment for Latinos and the country as a whole. But her ethnicity has proven too much of a temptation for the voices of hate and extremism, who instead of looking at her judicial record have launched a vocal rampage that has reached new heights of absurdity.

During an interview about Judge Sotomayor this week, former Congressman and current anti-immigrant extremist Tom Tancredo, called NCLR 'a Latino KKK without the hoods and the nooses.' Describing how profoundly offensive this kind of smear campaign against Sotomayor and the nation's largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization would be impossible. This outburst was reprehensible not only to Hispanics and communities of color, but to all Americans who want to put this ugly chapter of our history behind us.

Janet MurguÃ*a, NCLR President and CEO responds to Tancredo's comments on CNN

Take action!
Condemn the Attacks on Latinos and Sotomayor, Now!

The Truth About NCLR: NCLR Answers Critics


This email was sent out to their 'base' for action against 'hate and extremism' ...