Here is an email I sent to Barack and his reply is imediatly following it. I think you will enjoy his responce as I did. Its totally apperant where his Alegience is.


If you want to show Patriotism to your fellow Countrymen don’t be ashamed to wear the Flag of the Country you want to Serve and put your Hand Over Your Heart when saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Remember the Men and Women who Fight and Die for their Country and THE FLAG THAT REPRESENTS this Country and have for over 200 years. Ask yourself what it says to the Men and Women who have fought and Died and been maimed representing this Country. You are running for the Highest Political Office in the United States and WE THE PEOPLE need to know you’re for us First and then the Other Countries when the Huge Problems we have here are fixed. You don’t fix the problems we have here by Spending the Taxpayers Money on other Countries. When is our Government FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES going to start to understand that WE THE PEOPLE are getting tired of fixing the REST OF THE WORLDS Problems when we have things we need to fix right here at HOME. When are we going to start Holding OTHER COUNTRIES GOVERNMENTS ACCOUNTABLE for the Corruption that is causing their PEOPLE to come to the UNITED STATES instead of staying where they are and creating their OWN Country? Barack as long as we make it easy for Illegal Immigrants to come here and RAPE OUR system and OUR Government and its benefits THAT WE THE PEOPLE HAVE PAID FOR, what is going to stop the ENDLESS FLOW OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? I have watched your voting record in the Senate and I am not so blind as to see your AGENDA.

Start talking about what your going to do to fix the problems WE have instead of talking about what you want to do without solutions and I will start to listen. I have a feeling you and your fellow Political Reps are going to see the General Populations Disgust with your solutions when they try to get voted back into Congress. Its time to stop looking out for Big Business and start looking out for the AMERICAN CITIZENS. I live in a Small town that is overrun with Gangs, Drugs and Illegal Immigrants. What does it say when they have more power than our Police Force? What does it say that the Taxes we pay are not doing the Job we need done to feel safe in our communities? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THAT? Its time for the TALK to stop and Action to take the place of the TALK. Are you willing to do that? Right now if the American People Voted McCain would eat you alive, and I and Millions of other Americans don’t like his Voting Records in the Senate either. What are you going to do to fix that? Start showing Allegiance to OUR COUNTRY first and you might see the FIX you need. Again your voting record in the Senate says it all.


-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Obama for America Correspondence Team" <>

> Dear Bruce,
> Thank you for contacting us about Senator Obama's comments on wearing a
> flag pin on his lapel. Barack says:
> "I'm less concerned with what you're wearing on your lapel than what's
> in your heart. You show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow
> Americans, especially those who serve. And you show your patriotism by
> being true to your values and ideals.
I am traveling across America to
> tell people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully
> that will be a testimony to my patriotism."
> Thank you again for contacting us.
> Sincerely,
> Obama for America

Now I ask what are his Values inside if he's not willing to show them on the Outside? This guy is a real peice of work. He is an artist in the game of Politics.