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  1. #1
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    They Suck Alert: The Left’s Infringement of Our 2nd Amendment Rights

    They Suck Alert: The Left’s Infringement of Our 2nd Amendment Rights

    By Doug Giles / 24 March 2013 / 55 Comments
    Currently, there are four things that are really ticking me off.

    #1). Broccoli. What a foul devil-weed that over rated sprig is, eh?

    #2). Drivers who text while driving. I passed this metrosexual the other day in Miami on US1 who was swerving all over the road in his Prius like a gypsy on a three-day tequila bender. When I got up beside him, his nose was down, buried in his cell phone, drafting a text message at forty-five miles per hour. He was probably confirming an appointment to get his eyebrows threaded at JLo’s new salon in Midtown.

    #3). Lesbians who hate men but insist on looking like one are really getting on my nerves, also. What the heck, woman? If you love the ladies well then … please look like one. Follow Amber Heard’s lead and quit making it even more confusing for the children. Think. About. The children. No more Flobees. Or stretch pants. Thank you.

    And #4). I hate the Left’s knee-jerk infringement into our Second Amendment rights.

    Case in point: earlier this week, New Jersey cops and the Department of Youth and Family Services raided a New Jersey family’s home after the DYFS saw a picture of their 11yr.old son holding a .22 rifle on Facebook .

    Yep, that’s what caused them to show up in Kevlar to this kid’s casa. A Facebook profile picture of him grinning from ear to ear and holding the .22 rifle his dad had just bought him for his birthday. Eee-gads! We can’t have that now, can we?

    That photo of a maturing young lad holding his first rifle, which, by the way, has been commonplace since the development of the Daguerreotype, is what spawned an illegal search and attempted seizure of a private citizen’s private property. The Left is truly loosing what’s left of its bereft and fetid head.
    However, as batty as they are becoming, we mustn’t allow for them to make us the bad guy and cease being normal people who enjoy normal freedoms like giving our kid a .22 for his birthday and taking a picture of it.

    Matter of fact, I say that not only should we mildly oppose their Gestapo like opposition to our constitutional rights to keep and bear arms, but we should go the second step and cram up the very tailpipe that which they pooh-poohed this week; namely, take pics of our kids and grandkids holding their first rifle and show them loud and proud.

    My daughter, Second Amendment activist and huntress, Regis Giles of decided to rally support for this violated family and our nation’s distaste for DYFS and the NJ cops’ unlawful behavior by calling her 50,000+ subscribers at to submit a photo of their child or grandchild with a firearm of their choice.

    According to Miss Giles, she will post the photos up on her website, starting Monday March 25th, for everyone and their dawg to see. She’s hoping that by doing this, we, the defiant people of the United-Don’t-Tread-On-Me-States of America, will send a much-needed, concerted message to the Department of Youth and Family Services and their ilk that if they want to pick on one of us, they’re going to have to pick on all of us.
    Here is what she needs people to do:

    Select a photo of your child/grandchild with a firearm.

    Send it in an e-mail as an attachment to:
    Submit it by midnight Monday, March 25th.
    See it posted Monday on

    It’s past time we ceased to be cowed by these haters of our 2nd Amendment rights. Screw them and the horse they rode in on.

    Read more: They Suck Alert: The Left’s Infringement of Our 2nd Amendment Rights :: Clash Daily
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  2. #2
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    Fox & Friends: Pro-Gun Chick Kicks Anti-Gun Punks to Curb

    By Clash Daily / 24 March 2013

    Regis Giles of, started a campaign for all gun owners to show their support for the NJ kid by sending in a photo of their child posing with a firearm of their choice. Josh Moore is the 11-year-old NJ kid in the photo, who had the Department of Youth and Family Services sent to his home after his dad had posted it up on FaceBook. This is her on Fox and Friends commenting on the whole incident.

    Read more:

  3. #3
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    Aug 2009
    The Top 7 Anti-Gun Liberal Jackasses Who’re Heavily Armed!

    By Clash Daily / 24 March 2013 / 37 Comments
    By John Hawkins
    Clash Daily Guest Contributor
    The Hawk- One of the great ironies of the gun control debate is that everyone who calls for gun control still wants a man with a gun protecting him. Every governor in America has armed security. You have to go through a metal detector guarded by men with guns to get into the Capitol building. Barack Obama has hundreds of Secret Service agents carrying fully automatic weapons who protect his safety. Even run-of-the-mill Democrats who want to take guns away from everyone else will unhesitatingly pick up the phone and call the police if they feel threatened — so that a man with a gun can show up and make them safe.
    But, if a man in a bad neighborhood wants a gun to make his family safe, a rape victim wants a gun to be protected, or just the average Joe wants a gun in case his life is endangered by a burglar, thug or the next Adam Lanza, these same people want to take their guns away. Pro-gun control Democrats may think we have an “upper class” that deserves to be protected with guns while it’s okay if the “peons” get shot, but that goes against the core of what America is supposed to be. If your child’s life is in danger, you should have every bit as much of a right and opportunity to defend his life as the Secret Service does to defend the President of the United States when he’s threatened.

    Unfortunately, there are some people in this country who apparently believe they’re so special, so elite, so much better than the rest of the “riff-raff,” that they should have a right to be protected even if you don’t.
    1) The Journal-News: The Journal News printed “the names and addresses of gun permit holders in Rockland and Westchester counties” as its way of taking a dig at gun owners. But, this attitude about guns certainly did change when the shoe was on the other foot.
    Veritas video reporter James O’Keefe has released a new video of his team posing as an anti-gun group promoting an initiative to journalists.
    At each home, the group dubbed as “Citizens Against Senseless Violence” asks homeowners if they are willing to put up a “Gun Free” sign in their yard.
    O’Keefe primarily focuses his efforts on employees of the Journal-News – the New York newspaper that published a controversial map of registered gun owners online.
    Armed security welcomes the Veritas team at some of the homes – as some of the newspaper’s employees felt threatened once bloggers retaliated by posting their names and addresses online.
    2) Dianne Feinstein: She introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 in the Senate.
    “I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon and I made the determination if somebody was going to try and take me out, I was going to take them with me.” — Dianne Feinstein
    3) Mark Kelly, the husband of Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ): Mark E. Kelly, gun-control proponent and husband to former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, recently purchased an AR-15 (an “assault weapon,” he called it)—which he now says he intended as an illustration of the need for more stringent gun laws.
    Kelly reportedly bought the AR-15 and a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol at a gun store in Tucson, Arizona.
    Testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee January 30, Kelly had urged senators to restrict sales of firearms based on their lethality–a common refrain with other witnesses that day who argued that semi-automatic weapons, which chamber subsequent rounds as bullets are fired, and other guns with military-style features, level the playing field against law enforcement.

    Kelly and Giffords founded their own advocacy group to restrict gun rights, Americans for Responsible Solutions, in January.
    …Similarly, the ARS website says: “Congress should act to limit the sale of assault weapons.”
    4) Shania Twain: Shania Twain didn’t exactly have a shotgun wedding….in Puerto Rico … but it sure was a pistol — as in what the guards were packing on the beach during the ceremony,” reports.
    We’re told there were ‘several armed security guards.’

    …But here’s the thing about the privileged Ms. Twain employing armed guards (lawbreaking or otherwise) in the first place—she’s a big advocate of infringements against those of us who can’t afford an armed security presence and must rely on being our own first line of defense.
    She was one of the signers…of the Handgun Control, Inc. (since changed to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, to help mask their intentions) “Open Letter to the NRA,” a full page ad published in USA Today.”
    5) Rosie O’Donnell: “On her television show, April 19, 1999,O’Donnell had this to say about gun owners: “I don’t care if you want to hunt. I don’t care if you think it’s your right. I say, ‘Sorry.’ It is 1999. We have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison.” Several months later, a bodyguard in her employ applied for a concealed gun permit from the Greenwich (Connecticut) Police Department. When queried about whether her bodyguard should carry a gun on May 24, 2000, she said, ‘I don’t personally own a gun, but if you are qualified, licensed and registered, I have no problem.’”
    6) Sarah Brady: Gun-control advocate Sarah Brady bought her son a powerful rifle for Christmas…and may have skirted Delaware state background-check requirements, the Daily News has learned. Brady reveals in a new memoir that she bought James Brady Jr. a Remington.

    30-06, complete with scope and safety lock, at a Lewes, Del., gun shop. “I can’t describe how I felt when I picked up that rifle, loaded it into my little car and drove home,” she writes. “It seemed so incredibly strange: Sarah Brady, of all people, packing heat.

    “Brady became a household name as a crusader for stricter gun-control laws after her husband, James, then the White House press secretary, was seriously wounded in a 1981 assassination attempt on then-President Ronald Reagan.”
    7) Michael Moore: He’s a staunch advocate of gun control who has gone so far as to suggest that merely owning a gun is racism, “…But on this particular day, on Martin Luther King Day, I think this needs to be said. That imaginary person that’s going to break into your home and kill you, who does that person look like? You know, it’s not freckle-faced Jimmy down the street, is it really? I mean, that’s not what really, that’s not what really people, we never really want to talk about the racial or the class part of this, in terms of how it’s the poor or it’s people of color that we imagine that we’re afraid of. Why are we afraid? What is that, and it’s been a fear that has existed for a very, very long time.”Michael Moore
    Yet, Michael Moore has an armed bodyguard. We know because that bodyguard was arrested carrying his weapon.
    John Hawkins runs Right Wing News and Linkiest. He’s also the co-owner of the The Looking Spoon. You can see more from John Hawkins on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, G+, You Tube, and at PJ Media.

    Read more: The Top 7 Anti-Gun Liberal Jackasses Who’re Heavily Armed! :: Clash Daily
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