TLJ on Genachowski’s ‘Net Neutrality’ Speech
Posted by Jim Harper

TechLawJournal is a consistently high-quality subscription service that provides news, records, and analysis of legislation, litigation, and regulation affecting the computer, Internet, communications and information technology sectors. It reported this morning on FCC chairman Julius Genachowski’s speech proposing to regulate the provision of Internet service. The TLJ piece includes background that I think might benefit Cato@Liberty readers wishing to understand the issues better, so I asked for and received permission to republish it here.

[TLJ Report after the jump]
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski gave a speech [8 pages in PDF] in which he proposed that the FCC promulgate rules that contain network neutrality mandates.

The other two Democratic Commissioners promptly issued releases expressing their support. Thus, a majority of the Commissioners have announced their support.

Genachowski said that his policy goal is “preserving and maintaining an open and robust Internetâ€