Top Fiscal Conservatives get Dropped by GOP Leadership – Take Action

by Conservative Action Alerts on December 4, 2012

Alert: Republicans, rather than stand on principle in matters of finance, cut top fiscal conservatives from decision committees.

Dear Conservative,

On Monday, the GOP Steering committee effectively silenced some of the most powerful voices for fiscal conservatism in the House of Representatives. Yes, on the eve of the so-called “fiscal cliff” Republicans top removed the most principled from the budget debate.
Reps. David Schweikert and Walter Jones were both removed from the House Financial Services Committee; and Reps. Justin Amash and Tim Huelskamp were cut from the Budget Committee.

Take Action — Fax John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, and Eric Cantor and tell them they were WRONG is removing true conservatives from the “fiscal cliff” debate.

The conservative think-tank FreedomWork has these four House members ranked among the most fiscally conservative members of congress — in fact, Rep. Amash takes first place on their list. Matt Kibbe, the organization’s president, commented on the recent conservative purge in the House, saying “The enemies of fiscal sanity are tax-and-spend politicians, not public servants willing to say ‘enough is enough.’”

A RollCall report claimed that the members were axed for being “rebellious right wingers” whose “votes were not in lockstep with leadership.” Reps. Amash and Huelskamp, for example, voted against the Paul Ryan Budget for its lack of strength. Further, these members did not vote in favor of the debt ceiling increase and all voted in favor of auditing the Federal Reserve.

GOP members that are uncompromising on fiscal issues are clearly a threat to the up-and-coming “compromise” to result from the fiscal cliff talks. Rep. Ron Paul warns, “Look for a ‘bipartisan’ compromise in late December, with Republicans giving in to tax increases and settling for phony spending cuts that actually grow government.”

The fact is: John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy only want yes-men in strategic positions so as to ensure that they get the rubber-stamps they need for their $800 Billion tax increase, and compromise with the Democrats.

If Republican leadership thinks that barring the few members of Congress with backbone from taking part in the debate on spending will go unnoticed, then they have a new thing coming.

We must challenge House Republican leadership and send them a clear message: that punishing fiscal conservatives and “compromising” on taxes is never acceptable.

Take Action and Fax House Republican Leadership telling them how unacceptable their Monday-decision was. Tell them that they will be punished by the American people for kick true fiscal conservatives out of the debates on the fiscal cliff! Select Here.

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts

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Tagged as: David Schweikert, Eric Cantor, Fiscal Cliff, John Boehner, Justin Amash, kevin mccarthy, Tim Huelskamp, walter jones

Top Fiscal Conservatives get Dropped by GOP Leadership – Take Action