The Toronto G20 Police State Crackdown

By Dana Gabriel

It appears as if the G20 summit in Toronto is shaping up to be a showdown between anarchists and police. Caught in the middle of the security circus are local residents. If there is violence and property damage, peaceful protesters will also be demonized. The recent bombing of a bank, perpetrated by a so-called anarchist group, has given an excuse to enact more police state measures during the summit. The curious timing of the attack emphasizes the threat of terrorism and further justifies the huge security apparatus being assembled.

A group calling itself FFFC-Ottawa has claimed responsibility for the recent firebombing of a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) branch. It was targeted because of the RBC’s sponsorship of the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, as well as its role in financing Alberta’s tar sands projects. The group has threatened to make an appearance at the meetings. “On June 25-27 2010, the G8/G20 ‘leaders’ and bankers are meeting in Huntsville and Toronto to make decisions that will further their policies of exploitation of people and the environment. We will be there.â€