U.N. To Seize Jerusalem From Israel On July 11th, 26th

Monday, July 11, 2011

U.N. Security Council preparing to seize Jerusalem from Israel on July 11th, 26th.

The "Quartet" of USA, Russia, EU, and UN has scheduled July 11th in DC, and the United Nations Security Council has scheduled July 26th in New York, for open "debate" about whether or not they will seize Israeli land in September, and divide Jerusalem by establishing a Palestinian state, without negotiation or approval from Israel.

Haaretz newspaper reported Wednesday, "The UN Security Council plans to discuss in July [on the 26th] the possibility of Palestine becoming a United Nations member state, the Security Council president said on Tuesday. The Arab League has said it would request UN membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital at the UN General Assembly in September."
Only the U.N. Security Council (seen right-->) can vote to recognize new nations, and move borders. It is composed of 15 member nations among which only 5 have veto authority: USA, Britain, France, China, and Russia.

"An upcoming Quartet meeting [is] a possible indicator on the situation," reported Haaretz. "The Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators...are expected to meet July 11th. The meeting, expected to take place in Washington, will come amid a U.S. push to revive peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians."

The fact any debate will occur on 11 or 26 July confirms a big U.N. vote will occur in September, and if President Obama's U.N. delegation fails to veto, Israel will forfeit half its land and Jerusalem will become the Muslim capitol of the new state of Palestine.

President Obama has recently signaled that the U.S. may not veto such a land-grab, as Abbas said last week on Lebanese TV, quote: "President Obama says he wants to see an independent Palestinian state by September." No wonder Abbas met with PLO leaders and decided to seize the moment, and East Jerusalem with it.

Israel would likely not recognize such a vote, and refuse to forfeit their land. Palestinians will declare independence and start a war in September, with the whole world against Israel. Except us. We must awaken the U.S. Congress to defend Israel now.

A pro-Israel U.S. Congressman has introduced a brand new law to de-fund the United Nations if they dare to seize Israeli land, or if President Obama fails to veto any Palestinian land-grab of Jerusalem without permission from Israel.

http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2011/07/un- ... el-on.html